Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions. For more information, please contact us by e-mail, phone or fill out the form on the contact page!
The au-pair is entitled to monthly pocket money in the amount of 280 Euro. This may not be reduced proportionally during the vacation of your au-pair - 2 working days per month of stay - and must therefore be paid through. In addition, there is an allowance of 50 euros per month for the language course.
Without an au-pair visa, an au-pair from a third country may not be employed in Germany. Illegally employed au-pairs can be deported. In case of problems, there is no support from the au-pair agency in such a case.
An au-pair relationship does not establish a customary employment relationship. The federal government and the social insurance institutions are of the opinion that au pair relationships are "care relationships of a special kind" and are thus exempt from social insurance, subject to compliance with the guidelines of the Federal Employment Agency, which excludes further employment.
In principle, driving licenses issued abroad are accepted in this country. However, after 6 months there is a registration obligation at the road traffic office. There, the driving license holders are then issued with different new documents depending on their age, driving experience and country of origin.
As a rule, expenses incurred for childcare can be claimed against tax. Your tax advisor will inform you about the benefits for you.
► In case of 12-month stay: 4
► For shorter employment: 2
working days per full month of
Saturdays are working days. If the au-pair goes on vacation with the family and takes care of the children to a small extent as compensation for the travel expenses, the vacation trip can be credited as vacation time of the au-pair. A mutual agreement must be reached on this.
If the au pair relationship is terminated, both parties have to observe a notice period of 14 days, during which all obligations and rights continue to apply. The termination must be made in writing.
In case of illness or accident, you are obliged to cover all medical costs incurred by your au-pair. Therefore, it is urgent that you take out an au pair insurance for your au pair for the duration of the stay in your family.
You save time. We will quickly and more reliably find someone who meets your expectations through our selection process. You have our help and many years of experience at your disposal during the whole au pair stay.